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First, let's look at the newly-posted idea, The Crandor Betrayal.
Once upon a time, there was a Wizards Tower run by 4 orders. Red for
Zamorak, Green for Guthix, Blue for Saradomin and Grey Order for others. But in
time a disaster struck, which was blamed on the Zamorakians, by the
A new tower was built, in this tower you would find only Saradominists or
those not flinging their allegiance in the Tower's wizards faces. Another place
of magic grew up near by, on Crandor and they grew a strong tradition of mages.
These institutions were in competition with each other. Many of the Non
Saradominst Wizards would have called Crondor their new home.
One day someone,sell runescape gold no one knows who they were, so is assumed to be an
adventurer, awoke the dragon in the valcano and Crandor was destroyed, leaving
modern magical knowledge firmly in the hands of Saradominist Wizards. Everyone
else would have to beg for scraps from their table.
That seems very convenient. Could this unknown adventurer have been
manipulated or an agent sent there by the Saradominist Wizards tower or someone
within it? Could this have been a betrayal designed to remove the competition
permanently? Could it have been a deliberate act of sabotage?
The later some random hero is picked and given the Anti-dragon shield to go
deal with the Dragon properly, unlike the last poor sucker who wouldn't have
even known it existed.
A secret passge, a built pen for a non-native dragon and he suppose
doutbers will tell him the dragon took up bricklaying and carpentry to pass the
time...Who betrayed Crandor?
Short version here. Like it? Support us for Rs gold and runescape 2007 fire cape here.
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