Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Communication is key in arena play

Progressing in gear with a focus on PvP can be challenging but rewarding in World of Warcraft. After rejoining the game with friends who are new to Wrath of the Lich King (WOTLK), you're currently enjoying PvP at level 80 and gearing up with Furious Gladiator. However, before diving into arenas, you're seeking advice on the next steps for progression.


While Relentless is a likely next step for PvPers, it's crucial to consider your current gear and skill level to avoid being under-geared in arenas. As a Feral Druid (Cat) and a Fire Mage, stepping into arenas without adequate preparation could prove difficult, especially when aiming for the iLvl 238 PvP Gear.

To enhance your gear and preparation for arenas, consider the following steps:

1, Furious Weapons and Vault of Archavon: Purchase Furious weapons in Netherstorm area 52 using honor, which are two tiers lower but still effective. Additionally, participate in Vault of Archavon in both 10 and 25-man modes each week. This raid offers quick one-boss fights, increasing your chances of obtaining specific gear, such as legs for a Feral Cat.

2, Arena Points and Rating: Arena points are rewarded once a week based on your rating, and the day for this in Europe is Wednesday. Start by aiming for a 1,000 arena rating, as losses before this rating don't result in point deductions. Acquire Wrathful shoes and a belt with a 1,000 arena rating and around 40,000 honor.

3, Communication and Arena Play: Proper communication is crucial in arenas. Discuss strategies with your Fire Mage friend and consider if he's willing to switch to Frost, which can be advantageous in PvP. Frost provides crowd control, allowing you both to coordinate attacks effectively.

4, Explore 5v5 Arenas: Engage in 5v5 arenas through the dungeon finder, especially on the night before the reset. Most participants in 5v5 are there for points rather than wins or losses, creating a fun and chaotic experience.

5, Rating Goals: Aim for a 1,000 rating initially, and consider switching to 3v3 or 5v5 arenas for more points. As you progress, aim for a 1,600 rating to purchase the headgear. Don't worry too much about fluctuations between 1,500 and 1,100 ratings, as the difference in arena points is minimal.

Remember that communication is key in arena play, and with time and experience, you'll develop a better understanding of each other's moves. Additionally, don't hesitate to explore different strategies and compositions to find what works best for your Feral Druid and Fire Mage combo.

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